Wednesday, July 1, 2009


During the internet research of our project, I showed Abby the basic principles of finding a search engine website. I demonstrated and modeled inquiry-based learning by showing Abby how to type a topic into the website and then I showed her the specific links. We used,, to find information about the sun. The internet provided a vast amount of information on our subject and research questions. Each time we found information for Abby's blog, we copied and pasted the websites on a googledocs work cited. I worked along side Abby, allowing her to maniluplate the mouse and click on the sites. I aided her with typing out some of the longer topics into the search engine. I believe that this will aid to further inquiry-based learning by using the internet.

Service Project

The process of inquiry-based learning was very interesting. Abby, the child that I worked with, was automatically interested in learning more about our topic. We sat down to think about our topic and automatically originated our essential question and unit question. After we formed the main questions, we thought of specific questions that my student wanted to learn more about. By already having a base knowledge about the sun and the solar system, Abby was able to expand her mind to inquire about different aspects of the our chosen topic. With the base of our project laid out, we will now be able to perform further research.