Wednesday, July 1, 2009


During the internet research of our project, I showed Abby the basic principles of finding a search engine website. I demonstrated and modeled inquiry-based learning by showing Abby how to type a topic into the website and then I showed her the specific links. We used,, to find information about the sun. The internet provided a vast amount of information on our subject and research questions. Each time we found information for Abby's blog, we copied and pasted the websites on a googledocs work cited. I worked along side Abby, allowing her to maniluplate the mouse and click on the sites. I aided her with typing out some of the longer topics into the search engine. I believe that this will aid to further inquiry-based learning by using the internet.

Service Project

The process of inquiry-based learning was very interesting. Abby, the child that I worked with, was automatically interested in learning more about our topic. We sat down to think about our topic and automatically originated our essential question and unit question. After we formed the main questions, we thought of specific questions that my student wanted to learn more about. By already having a base knowledge about the sun and the solar system, Abby was able to expand her mind to inquire about different aspects of the our chosen topic. With the base of our project laid out, we will now be able to perform further research.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Powerful Beliefs: A digital short.

By using digital storytelling, a teacher can involve children in the learning process. I believe that making videos and voice threads are interesting ways for children to comprehend what they are learning. Also, by having these videos available on a common website such as teacher tube, other children can have the opportunity to view other clips. This allows the children to practice inquiry-based learning. They are able to search for topics that interest them from a broad base of topics.

The information in our video is based off of a combination of each of our unit questions. We put our individual questions together to create one unit question.

"How are beliefs portrayed through art, literature, and music by people in power."

By combining our questions we were able to relate certain times in history to power being expelled through art, literature, and music. We focused our question on two major historically power people. The power portrayed by these two people greatly affected people of the world.

To construct this video Katie and I used a digital still photo camera. We uploaded our clips to Windows Moviemaker and pieced them together in a short video series. As an added effect to our clips, we maneuvered the camera in a panning motion to activate the shot. We used short transitions because our dialog was linked together. I believe that an audience will enjoy our video because it is informative and to the point.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Spreadsheet sample

Spreadsheets are a great tool to use for Inquiry-Based learning. Spreadsheets allow students to aquire and imput data. A good use for spreadsheets would be with a project that allows students to find information online and imput the data to find an answer. These projects can be based off of subjects such as math, science, or history. As an introduction to spreadsheets, students can be asked to tally how many girls and boys are in the classroom. Then, the student can imput their data into a spreadsheet. They will be able to insert a formula that allows the students to find the difference in number of the two genders. This can also be used by having children gather various information from their peers such as a list of sports and everyones preference.

An in depth project that can be used to allow the children to use spreadsheets would be to introduce information about historical dates. Children can research dates of different battles and what state they occured. The students can input their information state by state and create a bar graph to show the range of data.

Questions to ask students while working on grade sheets would be:

1. How can spreadsheets be used to make out work easier?
2. What kind of information can we imput into a spreadsheet?
3. How do spreadsheets help us learn?


SlideShare response.

Belief Systems

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

7 Elements of Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling

The point of view is from the creator is by evaluating how beliefs are portrayed and reproduced through art, music, and literature. These beliefs happen on both a small scale and large scale. Each and every person on Earth has their own belief system and portray it in a different way. Hopefully a question that will definetly be answered by the end of the story is the question of how the student notices beliefs in their everyday life.

I want the childen to notice each person and their own personal beliefs. Also, the student should be able to see a work of art and see a theme. Or they could listen to music and hear the belief being portrayed through the lyrics or instruments.

Literature is a great tool to exercise a belief system. Writing has the potential to be passionate and bias. The student should be able to see the differences of these. The issues of my unit question will speak to each student in a powerful way because it reaches everyone on a different level.

A way to personalize the story would be to include personal experiences and/or pictures into the digital story telling. I do not believe that there will be an overload of information because each topic has its own variation. Music, art and literature are different means of expression. The story should progress quickly with information about each aspect.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Essential Question leading this project: How are belief systems represented and reproduced through history, literature, art, and music?

How does personal history effect your beliefs?

Voice thread can be used in my unit plan by having children search the internet for different types of music that protrays different types of beliefs. This is a good tool because it will give the student concrete evidence of the music and how emotion is used. Also, it will give a range of evidence that the students can choose from to use in their project. The student can also choose to embed these threads in their power point.

SlideShares enable the student to have visual information available to show what they have found. Students can use these slide shares to show music, pictures, and videos. Students can upload photos of art that they have found that protray beliefs that are interesing to them. Along with the pictures, students can post a caption that describes the art and artist. Music threads can also be posted to slideshares as well as captions. Videos can be embedded into slideshares. For example, the student can video tape themselves reading a piece of literature that describes a type of belief and have it posted in their slideshare. Also, slideshares are a good organizational tools that sudents can use to imput the information they have found. A teacher can used these slideshares to create a templete for the students to use while they are finding their information. They can also be interactive, allowing other students to review the slides and offer imput or ask questions. Slidecasts use the slideshares to make a video. This can piece together the slideshares in sequence to protray the information the student has found.

Digital Storytelling

A great example of digital storytelling is Brenda Dyck's "Find a story, Map a story, and Tell a story" website. Dyck created a website to help people get started with storytelling by using different online resources. Online storytelling enables a teacher to provide effective guidelines to aid children in using online resources to create their stories. The site provides a step by step rubric on how to set up an online storytelling map.

Another example of digital story telling is by using power point. Power point is a great tool that allows students and teachers to create their own story telling resource. By using power point, a student can embed videos, voice threads, and photos to make their stories with digital effects. These different resources help make digital storytelling a part of project-based learning. The student will collect data to draw conclusions and impact their research. All of the researched theories can be transposed onto the power point.

Digital storytelling is extremely effective because it allows students to learn inside and outside the classroom. A teacher can support and structure what the child is learning. Also, digital storytelling can foster comprehension development by allowing the children to research on their own.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Internet Resources

There are many web tools that a person can use to gain more information about blogs and blog related internet resources. Some of these tools include information, videos, sounds, images, VoIP, chat, email projects, etc. There are many search engines to gain different amounts of information. A great blog search engine is Google Blogs. With this site a person can input information about a blog of interest and recieve a list of blogs that contain specific information. As a teacher, I would use this website as a tool to expose myself and students to different points of views. Blogs rather than search engines allow people to gain knowledge and input from people rather than straight facts. By reading blogs, a student can forulate his or her own opinion about the topic in question. This would be a great tool for inquiry based learning.

Websites such as allows the user to search for audio sounds and it allows you to choose the type of sound file, and the maximum file size. This would be a great tool for the classroom. As a teacher I would access this site to obtain speeches or sounds from certain time in history. As an addition to my unit, I would upload different types of music that entertains the idea of portraying certain beliefs in art. The website is available for people that want to search for exclusive photos that are not found anywhere else on the web. This site is a great tool for students and teachers to find images for projects and learning.

VoIP is an internet site that enables people to communicate on the phone VIA the web. Other websites such as SKYPE allow people to talk on the computer with a webcam. Chat is also used as an interactive communicative internet tool. Various forms of chat are available for free from the web. Some of these sites inclue MSN messager, YAHOO messager, and AOL messager (AIM). These are great applications for your computer that allow you to chat instantly with another person. This would be a useful tool in the classroom to potentially allow students to contact children from different areas.

An additional internet resource tool are email projects. Email projects such as The Monster Exchange allow students to communicate with other students by beginnnig an online project and emailing it to another student at a seperate location. This allows the two students to be connected through a consecutive project. All of these internet resources are very helpful to students and teachers.

Monday, June 8, 2009

David Warlick uses his online blog to inform and update people about education in many ways. His posts include articles and reflections associated with education. A blog such as this can be used in the classroom to inform the students on different assignments in the classroom. Also, a teacher can post blog entrys to help students become more aware of how education affects our daily life by using examples of various articles and websites.

Blogs can be used as a great teaching tool because it allows students to be exposed to many aspects of education that is not limited to the local level. A teacher can pull information from around the world into the classroom to help the children see the effects at a larger scale. Blog can also be used as a tool in the classroom that allows group projects. Blogs can be linked to one another by allowing students to follow each others post. This aids students by allowing them to view each others blogs to compare and contrast. As a teacher I would have each student create a blog and allow the student to follow other students in the class. The students would be able to share information about things that interest them. This is a great tool for inquiry - based learning.
· How are belief systems represented and reproduced through history, literature, art, and music?

This question raises a wonderful and century old question about how beliefs can be imitated or represented in art, literature, and music. Throughout history people have tried to portray either personal or widely-believed theories of all different beliefs through art. These beliefs range from religious believes to lifestyle beliefs to love/hate beliefs. This is a great question to inquire about and research because most conclusions to this subject are personal hypothesis and can be interpertated differently. It is necessary to find various sources of information to compare and contrast.

Unit Plan
Works Cited